Wing Chun Sil Lim Tao (Siu Nim Tau) First Form Basics

I remembered that I saw Sifu Ip Chun before the COVID-19 pandemic.I asked Sifu Ip Chun,about the three forms of Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tau, Chum Kiu and Biu J. I asked which are the key points and the parts that needed attention, so I recorded these down.He explained them to me very carefully and I was very grateful to Sifu for his knowledge. Now I hope to be able make a little contribution to Wing Chun, by translating it through my understanding and records.

Wing Chun Sil Lim Tao (Siu Nim Tau) First Form Basics Section 1

In the first form of Wing Chun, Siu Nim Tau, the key points are to relax your mind, keep your body still and slow down the movements. When I studied Wing Chun for three years, I was fortunate to be guided by Master Ip Chun, he allowed me to deepen my understanding of Siu Nim Tau and re-learn the movements. This is especially important for beginner students.First undertsand from the mind and then co-operate with the practice. This will definitely be more effective with half the effort.

To practice the well-known stance in Wing Chun,Yi Ji Kam Yeung Ma,here are the Key Points. When you open the heel, ensure the heels are the same width as the shoulders, with toes pointing inward, keeping the waist straight, not leaning forward and not leaning back. This is the most basic and important standing position for the practice of Wing Chun. Similar to other Kung Fu systems, if the basic machine is not stable here, it will take more time for Chi Sao and other advanced training to be effective in the future. You will need to use this to stand firm on the ground like the roots of a tree.

Within the Siu Nim Tau form,Section 1,the key points are while performing Yat Tan Saam Fuk Sau techniques. When practicing Tan Sau.the middle finger points forward slowly,the ulna is aligned with the midline of the body, If it cannot be aligned with the center line when the Taan is forward,then focus on relaxation. The reason is Tan Sau and Fuk Sau are often used in Wing Chun, during Chi Sao and fighting, You need to pay attention to the correct position and integrate with relaxation.

When doing Fuk Sau,the ulna of the hand is close to body vertically, The Gallic bone and the body are in a straight line. Here is a more detailed statement, I only know it through the explanation of Sifu Ip Chun .If you know the Fuk Sao correct position and practice it regularly it will help you a lot.

When performing Wo Sau you rely on your opponent's Tan Sau movement, Don't over use any energy. It is generally used to intercept the opponent's attack. Sifu Ip Chun's explanation here is how to apply it when practicing Chi Sao. In my experience, as long as the Wo Sau is used well and in the correct position, it does not need to use a lot of energy.You can easily prevent the opponent's attack.

Wing Chun Sil Lim Tao (Siu Nim Tau) First Form Basics Section 2

Section 2 of Siu Nim Tau has a key point called Cheung Kiu Faat Lik, which is, the inch strength expressed by Bruce Lee. It means 'Generating Power From An Extended Position'. I believe everyone is well aware that Bruce Lee's inch-strength is inspired by Wing Chun, and it is very likely that he used this energy method from the second section of the Siu Nim Tau.

Wing Chun Sil Lim Tao (Siu Nim Tau) First Form Basics Section 3

Section 3 of Siu Nim Tau has a key point called Bong Sau.The elbow should be kept at the same height as the shoulder, making sure the elbow to the ulna down, and the wrist should be kept relaxed. Bong Sau is also used the most in Wing Chun, so there is a saying“Yat Tan Saam Fuk Sau", the correct position and relaxation of this part are very important. If the basic practice of this part is not good, it will affect the subsequent training in Cham Kiu and Chi Sao.