Wing Chun Chum Kiu (Cham Kiu) Second Form

The Chum Kiu form mostly practices turning ( Jyun Ma) which removes the power of the opponent. It  used to achieve in how to use hard energy to overcome a soft energy .

Wing Chun Chum Kiu (Cham Kiu) Second Form - Section 1

When doing 180 degree turn (Jyun Ma) the purpose of flat shoulders with hands is to help you balance more. Hang Laan Sau need to change depending on how much energy  the opponent gives you. When you practice Hang Laan Sau the position is flat on the chest and uses energy, a moving target makes it more difficult to get hit. Facing the opponent head-on will be more stable, but make it easier for you to get hit. I would like to explain in detail on this point, because according to my experience, I suggest that beginners need to wear Kung fu shoes when you practice turning ( Jyun Ma). When i was practicing Wing Chun for the first 3 years, I wore Kung fu shoes to practice Chum Kiu turning  (Jyun Ma). I think it increased my contact with the ground. It is both a 180-degree and a 90-degree turning (Jyun Ma) practice. I do not think it is beneficial to use this turning (Jyun Ma) for Chi Sau or a street fighting, because it's rare to use such a big turning in a Chi Sau or a street fight. If you turn with such a big way, it is easy to get hit by the opponent fully. If you want to know more about this point of view, you can watch the video of my Chi Sao with the Sifu Ip Chun.

Wing Chun Chum Kiu (Cham Kiu) Second Form - Section 2

When you practice the high Bong Sau,  you will need to relax. The target is to remove the opponent’s energy. I know a lot of people who practice and use Bong Sau with a lot of energy, and I have practiced Chi Sau with a lot of people.  It is true from  what I have experienced. Why does Sifu Ip Chun always emphasize relaxation?, Well if you have touched his hands you will know they are as soft as marshmallows. Yet he often states that the Wing Chun is “How to use soft energy to overcome hard energy” .

Wing Chun Chum Kiu (Cham Kiu) Second Form - Section 3

When you practice the lower Bong Sau step forward (Baak Bik), you are shaped like a crab. The direction of the palm cannot be down or up, it is has to be vertical to down. In the practice of lower Bong sau, I was fortunate enough to be able to repeat the guidance of Sifu Ip Chun before I finally understood. The placement position is related to the structure of the body. If you want to understand more you can watch the video he taught me regarding lower Bong Sau.